Publisher overview

A publisher contains details about the advertising spaces and other parameters for a particular website or app to which you are serving ads. This guide will teach you the basics of publishers, how to manage publishers, and the optional features that let you customize your publisher setup.

Each publisher has a unique ID. You can view the ID of a publisher by going to its section (You AdButler > Publishers > Your Publisher) then looking at the value of publisherID in your browser's address bar.

The publisher ID in the browser address bar

In this guide, you will learn:

  1. How to create and manage publishers.
  2. How to access and use a publisher's section.

Creating and managing a publisher

You view and manage the publishers in your account in the main Publishers section (Your AdButler > Publishers ). Here you can create, delete, archive, and duplicate publishers. It also has a button at the top that lets you access the live website preview feature.

The main Publishers section in AdButler

Within each publisher, you can create zones, which represent the available advertising spaces in the website or app.

Each zone links an advertising space and the ad or ads assigned to that zone in AdButler. When a user visits your publisher's platform, it triggers an ad request from that zone. AdButler responds by delivering an advertisement to display on the page. Zones also define what kind of ad - image, HTML5, video, etc. - and what size of ads can be displayed in a particular space.

For more information on zones, read Zone overview.

How to create a publisher

  1. Click Publishers on the left navigation menu to go to the main Publishers section.
  2. Click Add Publisher. The New Publisher page will appear.
  3. Enter a name for the publisher.
  4. Click Create Publisher.
You can add information and customize the publisher in its properties page. For more information, read Publisher properties.

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How to delete a publisher

This cannot be undone. We recommend archiving a publisher unless you are absolutely sure about your decision to delete it.
  1. Click Publishers on the left navigation menu to go to the main Publishers section.
  2. Click on the checkbox beside the publisher(s) you would like to delete.
  3. Click Delete at the bottom of the Publishers table.
  4. Review the warning that lets you know this step cannot be undone. Click OK.

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How to archive a publisher

Archiving temporarily deactivates the publisher and the zones assigned to it but preserves their configuration so that it can be easily restored (unarchived). We recommend doing this instead of deleting the publisher unless you are absolutely sure about your decision.

  1. Click Publishers on the left navigation menu to go to the main Publishers section.
  2. Click on the checkbox beside the publisher(s) you would like to archive.
  3. Click Archive at the bottom of the Publishers table.

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How to unarchive a publisher

  1. Click Publishers on the left navigation menu to go to the main Publishers section.
  2. Click on the View archived publisher(s) link at the bottom of the table. A list of archived publishers will appear.
  3. Click on the checkbox beside the name of the publisher or publishers you want to unarchive.
  4. Click Restore.
  5. Click OK in the confirmation window that appears.

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How to duplicate a publisher

  1. Click Publishers on the left navigation menu to go to the main Publishers section.
  2. Click on the checkbox beside the publisher you would like to duplicate.
  3. Click Duplicate at the bottom of the Publishers table.
  4. Enter a name for the duplicate publisher.
  5. Click Confirm.

The publisher you selected will be duplicated and you will be taken to the duplicate publisher's section.

You can select only one publisher at a time to duplicate. Further, this process will copy only the zones and properties of the original publisher. There will be no ad items or campaigns assigned to the duplicate publisher's zones.

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Publisher sections

A specific publisher's section (Your AdButler > Publishers > Your Publisher) lets you view that publisher's overall performance (i.e. impressions and clicks within a period) and manage its zones. This is also where you can edit the publisher's properties: you can change their name, adjust their payout scheme, and even create a user account that can be used to log in only to that dashboard.

Click on Others at the top right to access more features and options, including the live website preview and the header bidding script.

A specific publisher's section in AdButler

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