Roles for user accounts

Roles is an optional feature that lets you create templates of permissions, which are called roles. It's perfect for setups that have numerous user accounts. Instead of manually setting the permissions of each user account, you create roles and assign them to user accounts. When you edit a role's permissions, the changes are also applied immediately to the user accounts to which that role has been assigned.

By default, only Enterprise subscribers have Roles enabled. Contact our support team if you want to have this feature added to your account.

In this article, you will learn:

  1. How to create a role.
  2. How to edit a role.
  3. How to delete a role.
  4. How to assign a role to a user account.

How to create a role

  1. Click Roles on the left navigation menu. The Roles section will appear.

The Roles section in AdButler

  1. Click Add New.
  2. Name the new role then click Create Role.
  3. Set the new role's permissions as needed.
When Default Role is enabled, AdButler will automatically assign the role to new user accounts. There can be only one Default Role at any given time.
  1. Click Save Changes.

You will be taken back to the main Roles section, and the new role will be added to the interactive table of existing roles.

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How to edit a role

  1. Click Roles on the left navigation menu. The Roles section will appear.

The Roles section in AdButler

  1. Click on a role's name. The role's permission settings will appear.
  2. Edit the role's permissions as needed.
  3. Click Save Changes.
When you edit a role's permissions, the changes will be applied immediately to the user accounts to which that role has been assigned.

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How to delete a role

  1. Click Roles on the left navigation menu. The Roles section will appear.

The Roles section in AdButler

  1. Click on the red trash can icon at the far right of the role you want to delete. A confirmation window will appear.
  2. Click Remove Role Permanently.
You cannot delete a role if it is currently assigned to a user or is set to be the default role.

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How to assign a role to a user account

When you have roles enabled, you will not be able to manually configure the permissions of a user account. You must assign a role to a user account when you create it. You can, however, change the role assigned to an existing user account.

  1. Click User accounts on the left navigation menu. The User accounts section will appear.

The User Accounts section in AdButler

  1. Click on the name of a user account. The user account's edit page will appear.
  2. Under Account Details, click on the Role dropdown menu and select the relevant role.

The Role dropdown menu in a user account's edit page

  1. Click Save Changes.

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