How to create a native ad item

Native ads are ads that look like editorial content. For example, a native ad on a blog looks like the other articles on the site, a native ad on Instagram is just like an Instagram post, and a native ad on a search engine looks like other search results. Native ads are also known as sponsored content or promoted posts.

AdButler gives you two ways to create native ads. Native (custom rendering/API) ad items are served in iframes, while native (styled) ad items are safe to serve directly on the page. Both require you to create native templates, but unsafe tags like <script> and <style> are removed from the HTML code of native (styled) ad items.

Templates for native (custom rendering/API) ad items are not compatible with native (styled) ad items, and vice-versa. Further, native (styled) ad items and campaigns with native (styled) ad items must be assigned only to native zones.

How to create a native (Custom Rendering/API) ad item

  1. Go to the section of the relevant standard or native zone (Your AdButler > Publishers > Your Publisher > Your Zone) or standard campaign (Your AdButler > Advertisers > Your Advertiser > Your Campaign).
We recommend assigning native ad items to dynamic zones.
  1. Click Add Ad Item in the Ad Items table. The Add Ad Item window will appear.

The ad item options in a standard zone in AdButler

  1. Click Native (Custom Rendering/API). The New Ad Item page will appear.
  2. Select your native ad template in the Template dropdown menu.
  3. Fill in the rest of the fields as needed. If you entered a destination URL, you can test it by clicking Open Destination URL to the right of the field.
  4. Click Save Ad Item.

How to create a native (Styled) ad item

  1. Go to the section of the relevant native zone (Your AdButler > Publishers > Your Publisher > Your Zone) or standard campaign (Your AdButler > Advertisers > Your Advertiser > Your Campaign).
When adding a native (styled) ad item to a campaign, you must assign that campaign to a native zone for that ad item to be served.
  1. Click Add Ad Item in the Ad Items table. The Add Ad Item window will appear.

The ad item options in a native zone in AdButler

  1. Click Native (Styled). The New Ad Item page will appear.
  2. Select your native ad template in the Template dropdown menu.
  3. Fill in the rest of the fields as needed. If you entered a destination URL, you can test it by clicking Open Destination URL to the right of the field.
  4. Click Save Ad Item.
Read About ad items for more on AdButler's ad item types and their parameters.

Making a native ad item in AdButler

You can capture static image files of your native ads and use those images in image ad items.

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