How to assign or unassign zones to channels

This guide will show you how to assign or group zones into a channel so that you can assign campaigns to all those zones at once and with the same assignment details.

If you want to know how to assign campaigns to a channel instead, read How to assign a campaign to a zone or a channel.

These steps apply to both standard and VAST channels, except for their respective links in the left navigation menu. Note that standard zones can be assigned only to standard channels, while VAST zones can be assigned only to VAST channels.

Assigning a zone to a channel

  1. Click Channels on the left navigation menu. The Channels section will appear. If you want to assign a VAST zone, click on VAST Channels instead.
  2. Create a channel or click on the name of the relevant channel in the table. That particular channel's section will appear.

The add new channel button in a channel's section in AdButler

  1. Click Add New above the table of assigned zones. The Assign Zones to Channel window will appear.

Assigning zones to a channel

  1. Type the relevant publisher's name on the search box or click on the publisher dropdown menus on the left side of the window to search for the relevant zones.

  2. Click on the + sign beside a zone's name to select that zone. You can also click on the + sign beside a publisher name to quickly select all of that publisher's zones.

If the channel already has zones assigned to it, a greyed out list of those zones will appear at the bottom of the window. This can help you remember if you already assigned a particular zone to that channel.

Viewing zones that have already been assigned to a channel

  1. Repeat steps 4 and 5 as needed. The zones you selected will be listed on the right side of the window. You can deselect a selected zone by clicking on the trash can icon that appears when you hover over the zone's name.

Deselecting a zone from the assign to channel window

  1. Click Assign Zones to Channel. You will be taken back to the channel's section, and the table of Assigned Zones will be updated.

A channel with assigned zones

Unassigning a zone from a channel

To unassign a zone from a channel, click on the trash can icon beside the zone's name in the table of assigned zones.

How to unassign a zone from a channel's section

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