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Our Youtube Tutorials

Read time: 2 minutes

Sometimes, even when you have as great a UI as we do, it just helps to see someone do it. That’s why we’ve recently launched our AdButler tutorials channel, a constantly updated spot to check in for videos from the basics, like setting up a campaign, to the complex, like using targeting scripts. Give it a subscribe. Our blog is also going to be covering tutorials, but we thought having a quick video would be nice too. I hope you agree.

We’re going to be uploading a video a week for the foreseeable future, covering our old topics and introducing new ones as they come up. Also expect at least one blog post per week from the AdButler team, covering our product and the industry as a whole. We’re hoping to become a beginning spot for Ad ops folks, an industry that’s huge and influential and, even to this day, hard to get a footing in. Maybe we can change that. Or at least, make it a bit easier, either through tutorials or education or just being a central spot.

It’s a part of our renewed focus on our audience. That’s also why you’re reading this, what I’m writing right here. We want our customers to know we’re listening and reaching out. You’re going to be hearing a lot more from us in the coming months (if you want to), about new features, old features, updates, changes, and a few surprises that we’ve been working on for a while. This post is about our Youtube channel, but more importantly it’s about us trying to let you guys know we’re listening. Let us know what we’re missing. Let us know what we’re doing great. Drop a comment asking us questions or email us with any inquiries. We’d love to hear from you.

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