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Video Guide: White-Labeling AdButler

Read time: 3 minutes

White-labeling is a great way to create a professional appearance for your company when you are creating advertiser and publisher accounts for your clients to login with. We like to help your business thrive, but we don’t need to steal your thunder when your clients are involved.

White-label settings are available to only the admin user on your AdButler account, and they can be found in the settings menu. Here, you’ll find the ‘Custom Branding’ option, which you can click to start configuring the interface and messaging.

The first thing you’ll need to do is turn on custom branding. This will allow you to change the various aspects. Moving down the list, we have the account Logo, which changes the logo in the bar at the top; the authentication logo, which changes the logo on the login screen; the favourite icon or favicon, which is the little icon that shows in your browser tab; the avatar image, which replaces the image in the box next to your user name; and the colours of the interface and messaging that appears when a user account logs in.

You can also disable all Support Messaging. This will remove the number you find on the dashboard, the link to the help docs, and any other reference to AdButler in text.

Our final white label feature is Custom Domains. We already have an extensive guide on how to set this up, but this settings will allow you to change the ad serving domain, which is the domain that appears in the tags and the login domain, which is where you or your users would go to login. So instead of, it would become

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